Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Turn up the volume and listen to my bees!

My poor bees have been cooped up in their house for a couple of days because of rain, and so they felt the need to let off some steam today. They were loud!!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Assistant Beekeeper

While Anita was here for a visit she had the opportunity to meet "my girls." She wanted to get some pictures and learn a little bit about honeybees and beekeeping. So, she dawned the beekeeper veil and got right into the hive with me! Here she is posing next to hive which our bees call their home.

Anita really enjoyed this experience, and I believe it was one of the highlights of her visit. By seeing and learning a little bit about honeybees, it gave glory to God, Who made these amazing little creatures!

 (Click on image to enlarge)