Saturday, June 30, 2012

It has been a Bee-usy summer!

We have been real busy this summer managing our hives and removing hives where people don't want them. Below are some pictures from two removals we did. It was great fun! (and lots of work)

Note: Click on any of the pictures to enlarge.

Andrews Town Hall

In April, we got a call that honey bees were getting into the town hall building in Andrews, SC. We packed up the bee mobile and removed the bees from their wall. 

Above, you can see where the bees were before I cut into the heavily plastered wall.
Here, you can see the first comb section of which there were five.
A close up of the comb section. Notice the white bee larva.
All of the hexagonal cells are capped brood (baby bees).

Here, a large comb section lays on the floor with four more still in the wall.

The Baptist Bees

We completed this removal just this week. These bees chose to set up their home 35' up in the top of a pretty 100 year old Baptist church, If I was a honey bee, I also would have found this location attractive.

Here's a few of them enjoying some fresh air outside the hive.

Beginning the work by removing some shingles.


There were 8 comb sections to bee removed.
Pretty nice digs!

My faithful helper from 35' up.

Here they are in their new home.

Finally, here's a short video from up in the bucket.

Thanks for looking!

Note: If you have received these pictures via email, click on the link on the bottom of the email that says, Bees by the Sea to get a better view of the pictures and to see the video.